Time: Hot.
Rene: Hot or cold, Ever?
Ever: Cold, I think that's cold.
Time: Actually I think it's cold because it has some grey.
Rene: [to me] Hot or Cold?
Rene: Cold.
Time: I like Summer because you can go to the beach. [To Rene] Wouldn't it be cool if we could go to the beach together? . . . Hot or cold?
Rene: Cold.
Ever: This is my hot side and this is my cold side. This is cold because it's blue and this is hot because it's red. These are hot [points to pink pom-poms] and that is cold [points to a blue piece of paper].
Time: That looks hot.
Izadora: This has to be Summer for tulips right? Do you think this is like a Summery one [holds up a green pom-pom]?
Izadora: Yeah!
Lola: This green has more blue in it so it's a cold color.